Asked and Answered

We received a great response to the survey we sent out in October. Thanks so much for sharing your views. It’s very important to us to regularly understand how we’re doing in meeting your needs.

Here are the highlights.

Keep on Zooming
Slightly more than half of you aren’t ready to return to in-person classes. We are getting the studio ready, however, for spring, when we believe more folks will be receptive to taking classes in the studio. We’ve installed five air purifiers and have established other safety protocols. You can read our studio guidelines HERE. On November 2, we started testing our new approach with the Monday, 4:30 pm, Level 2-3 class, which is limited to only five students so there is plenty of space around each person. The first two of these classes went really well so now we are adding an in-person option for Saturdays. All of our online options will continue.

Workin’ 9-5
Students who work out of the home 9 to 5 would like to see more classes offered early in the morning and after work hours. Currently we have two early morning classes from 7–8:30 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays taught by Ned Gardiner.

• According to Ned, “Morning Yoga is designed so that I can teach a class first thing in the day and then show up for an office job. After finishing class at 8:30, one’s day is free for taking other action in the world. Part of my study of yoga involves work in the world, specifically addressing the climate challenge. Getting on the mat first thing is a big part of what keeps me going, and I think it can do the same for others.” This is an all levels class with an enthusiastic and caring teacher. Give these classes a try!

• Another morning opportunity is the open practice session offered every day except Fridays and Sundays from 8–9:30 am available on Zoom. Although this offering is not a class per se, it does provide the chance to practice yoga with Randy or Greta. You can join them for a portion of the practice or the whole of it. If you register in advance, you are welcome to come to the studio in person to practice with us; again this is limited to only five students.

• Greta offers a led practice every Wednesday from 5:30–7 pm. Although she does not provide instruction as in a traditional class, you might be surprised how beneficial this option is for students who have a least one year of yoga experience. Helen Robinson tells us “I love led practice because it offers an hour and a half of well sequenced continuous asana..”

• A few people suggested offering a shorter class, perhaps 45 to 60 minutes long, which could help students who work find the time to get on the mat. We are hoping to add that class on Fridays

Focus on This!
Folks were enthusiastic about taking special emphasis workshops and classes. Pretty much every body part was listed: hips, neck, shoulders, knees, and feet, as well as techniques and study areas, such as pranayama, anatomy, mulabanda, Ayurveda, and yoga philosophy. Asana special focus included twists, forward bends, and twists, inversions, back extensions, and restorative. A couple of students asked for advanced chair yoga. In other words… all parts of yoga are interesting to our community!

Record the Classes
There were a few requests for us to record the classes so students who can’t attend on that day can enjoy the class later on, say for 3 to 5 days after a class. We are doing this for some of our classes and will look into expanding that offering.

Happy with What Is

Most respondents told us the current offerings and times for classes meet their needs, and that they feel supported in their yoga practice.

In Response… So Far
We’re pretty excited about the new classes and workshops that your ideas have sparked in us! Here’s what’s new in December, with more to come after the New Year:

Backbend Series with Greta, Wednesday, December 2, 10-11:30am
Pranayama Series with Randy, Thursday, December 3, 10-11:30am
Monday and Saturday in-person classes at the studio, 10-11:30am
Sunday afternoon restoratives with Randy, Starting Januray 10, 4-5:30pm
Friday 1-hour gentle class (TBD)

Thanks to everyone who took the time to answer our survey. We look forward to adding special focus and new classes in 2021!

Iyengar Yoga Asheville