Student of the Month - Tammy Martin
Dynamic, accomplished, warm, decisive, nurturing, independent, and adventurous are some of the words that describe Tammy Martin, a long-time yoga practitioner and founding student member of Iyengar Yoga Asheville. Born and raised in Eastern North Carolina, Tammy loves to travel, but is attached to the Southern mountains of this beautiful state where she has lived for decades.
Self-reliant from a young age, Tammy was, in her own words, not that “excited” about school until she became interested in midwifery. “My mom’s dad was a physician, but I was the first person in my immediate family to pursue college.” As is true of many of the major decisions in her life, Tammy chases her dreams with determination and conviction. She decided to pursue a degree in nursing and attended NC Central University in Durham, a historically black college, on a minority scholarship. After two years, she transferred to Western Carolina and graduated with a B.S. in nursing in 1986. Although she never did birth babies, she was a nurse for 20 years at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Asheville, working primarily in orthopedic medicine and neuro surgery. “I loved patient care,” Tammy explained, “and that’s what kept me in the field. But I found the administrative part of nursing to be soul killing, and I knew when it was time for me to do something else.”
When she left nursing in 2006, Tammy, who already owned her own home, purchased a couple of houses as long- and short-term rental properties. As she tells it, “There were a few reasons why I chose this direction. In my 20s, I was living deep in Madison County, pretty much off the grid. I was growing my own food, enjoying an outhouse, building fences, and fixing what needed fixing. For a year, I heated and cooked with wood! My dad was a farmer and I learned from him how to be good with my hands—whether it was the physical activities of hands-on nursing, or basic plumbing repairs on a house. Also, I wanted a lifestyle that offered me maximum flexibility and freedom. Investing in real estate, working for myself, and offering rentals at fair prices, has been a good fit for me.”
Goal-oriented and well organized, Tammy pledged that she’d leave nursing by the age of 40 (she stopped at 42), and that she’d pay off her rental property by the age of 50 (done…and done!). A nurturer, Tammy has for decades been an animal rescuer. At various times in her life, she has fostered numerous dogs and cats, adopting a fair number of these fur babies. “Currently, I’m down to one dog, and that feels odd. I lost Blossom (pictured here) a few months ago and that was devastating.”
Tammy identifies as a “seeker” and remembers reading Be Here Now by Ram Dass when she was a teenager. “I have always been this combination of inward seeking and physically active.” Athletic all her life, she ran three marathons in 2000, and continues to enjoy backpacking, backcountry skiing, and mountain biking.
“Friends kept giving me yoga books over the years, and I took classes in 2000 at the Women’s Resource Center at St. Joe’s. When I left nursing, I started taking classes at One Center Yoga with Cindy Dollar, and was captivated by the Iyengar approach to asana—I loved the precision and attention to detail. When I started studying with Ryan Conrad, his teaching rocked my world—especially his way of sharing the philosophy side of Iyengar yoga. For me, yoga is not exercise. I’m so animated physically, that I need a way to be still, go inside, and quiet my mind. Over the past decade, my practice has become less about the postures—although I love the challenge of trying some of the more difficult poses—and more focused on the inner balance Iyengar yoga offers.”
Although Tammy completed a 400-hour yoga teacher training, she has no interest in teaching. “I’m not a speaker and I can be shy in front of a group of people, so teaching is not for me. But I’m passionate about learning, and I’m grateful to Randy and Greta for offering a community in Asheville where Iyengar folks can learn and practice.
Tammy studied at the Iyengar Institute in Pune, India, two years ago, and describes that trip as a once in a lifetime experience. She loved the “no nonsense” atmosphere to classes. “I learned so much, especially about my own limitations. I got sick while I was there, but I took classes, even though I didn’t feel well. I mean,” she clarified, “I took care of myself, but I was intent on learning and I was not going to miss out on this amazing opportunity.”
Not one to do anything in half-measures, Tammy doesn’t shy away from challenges and pursues life with transparency and passion. She and her current partner, Tai, are engaged to be married, plans that are a bit up in the air due to the global pandemic. “I’ll keep y’all posted about the details,” she said with a laugh.
A student of the Ennegram—a system of nine personality types that describe patterns in how people conceptualize the world and manage their emotions—Tammy is an eight: self-confident, strong, and assertive. Eights can also be bossy and self-protective: “People who know me well can recognize my vulnerable and fuzzy side. I’m getting better at letting my guard down and asking for help. It’s a practice for life—much like yoga.”
Namaste, Tammy. We look forward to hearing about your wedding plans!