Iyengar Yoga Asheville Lynn Patton

Just a little bit about me…

Other than an adventurous chapter in Aspen, Colorado, during the late 1960s to the early 70s, I lived most of my life in the New York area, before moving to Asheville in 2015. I was introduced to yoga in 1980 and knew I’d found my way (or at least an important piece of the puzzle). My husband and I moved to the mountains of western North Carolina to begin a new chapter together after years of working in mental health. In addition to yoga, I’ve always loved nature; I’m especially drawn to caring for plants and animals.

My training includes…

I was introduced to Iyengar in the early 1980s in classes with Joan White. I was later asked to teach by a fellow student who ran the yoga program at a local health club so I decided I’d better learn how to teach. I began studying with Mary Dunn in 1990, and completed teacher training with her and earned my Iyengar yoga certification in 2001. I continued to take weekly classes with Mary until her passing in 2008. I currently take regular classes on Zoom with Joan White.

My teaching style is…

I love getting to know my students and allow them to inspire my classes. In general, I’m a planner, but sometimes go off script when their needs or my interests take me in a different path. I’m inspired by the interactive process of teaching and learning, which includes the art of when to challenge and when to encourage students to take the support they need.

I deeply care about…

Yoga as a vehicle for transformation. The skills we cultivate in the practice translate to living in all expressions. I love sharing something that is deeply meaningful to me as my understanding continues to evolve with time and experience. In other words, I believe it’s valuable to teach what you want to learn.

Cathy’s Schedule