Just a little about me...
My sister Elly introduced me to Iyengar Yoga when we were both living in New Haven Connecticut. After I graduated from Yale, my wife and I studied with John Schumacher for a couple years. We returned to Iyengar practice sporadically through parenting and grad school before moving to Asheville in 2008. Iyengar Yoga is now a central part of my life.
My training includes...
several years with Ryan Conrad. I only knew him a few years, but his impact was and is an inspiration. I studied for certification with Randy Loftis. I now regularly take classes with Lois Steinberg. My foundational study with John Schumacher serves as continual bedrock.
I joined a group of Ashevillans on a trip to Pune, India in 2019 to study for a month at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute. Through practical examples and vivid memories of BKS Iyngar, the teachers in India helped me move from an overly aggressive physical practice to a study of my mind and body. I take every opportunity possible to study with senior teachers to absorb their insights, reflections, and methods.
My teaching style is...
open to the needs and focus of the students in front of me. For beginning students, I like to keep moving so that the body can warm up and become receptive to deeper understanding. I will always appreciate and strive for the clear, focused instruction of my first teacher, John Schumacher. Combining activity and incisive direction, our practice can expand the range of what’s possible both physically and mentally.
I care deeply about...
transformation. The body and mind we have tomorrow are the direct products of what we cultivate today. By focusing on expanding consciousness, we are able to flourish. These principles permeate my life off the mat, as I work to help people understand, adapt, and address climate change.
Ned’s Schedule