Survey Results
The response to our survey was excellent: 24 of you shared your honest feedback about open practice and philosophy. Thank you very much! Several themes were evident. First, many of you wanted more help developing your practice. We hear you and are taking steps to help. To start with, we are going to have a file box on the bookshelf containing printed sequences. We have asked all the teachers to contribute a few sequences they enjoy practicing. If you have sequences you would like to share, please bring them in and add them to the box. Next, we are going to start offering some “guided practices.” We’re not sure when or exactly how often we will add this to the schedule, but we will resolve this soon and let you know.
As for philosophy, we had several good suggestions and discovered that quite a few of you did not know we were offering this. Also, we realize how busy your schedules are. One recurring suggestion was to have philosophy times adjacent to classes. Starting the first Saturday in June we will start philosophy discussions at 9:00 o’clock on Saturday. Saturday class will start at 9:30 as usual. If you would like to join us for philosophy at 9:00, great, if you just want to show up for class at 9:30, that’s fine as well. Just so you are informed, on that first Saturday we will start going through the Yoga Sutras. Don’t hesitate to join in at any time but if you want to catch this from the start we will see you on Saturday June 1. Our 5:30 Monday philosophy discussion will continue as well and will take Saturday’s discussion a little further. You are welcome to join in that discussion as well.
Some of you also mentioned that a membership was cost prohibitive. Please reach out to us if you are in this situation. We do have a small but growing scholarship fund and do not want finances to keep you off your mat. Also, if you are in a position to help someone in this situation, we would love to hear from you as well.