It just makes sense that Tory, whose 41-year career in nursing included six years in patient safety, would align herself with Iyengar yoga: all that precision and attention to detail is a perfect match for her careful and dedicated nature.
Read MoreI would like to start this dialogue by paying tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We should all be grateful for her dedication and hard work. I found the news of her passing particularly troubling. It seems as if our political environment, our natural environment, and the world around us continues to spiral out of control. This latest news, and the possibility of more chaos to come, has pushed me to a breaking point. Thoughts were going through my head like “Okay, no more news!”…“I’m done paying attention to any of this!”… “I’m checking out.” I imagine I am not alone with these thoughts and feelings. Some of you may have already passed this point.
Read MorePerhaps you were fortunate to met Thomas in person in yoga class last year when he and his wife, Micheline, spent a few weeks in Asheville on their way to their summer home in Windsor, Vermont. Or perhaps more recently you’ve shared Zoom class with him when Randy teaches asana or leads Sutra studies. Tall, rangy, with a long white beard and rumbling deep voice that casting directors might call “Old Testament,” Tom is a man of impressive professional accomplishment, wide interests, and a healthy dose of self-deprecating charm. He, with a laugh, describes himself as a bit “of a nerd and a long-time road dog.”
Read MorePerhaps now more than ever, the Fourth of July means different things to each of us. As I ponder the meaning of this American holiday, a question arises, namely, what does it mean to truly experience independence and freedom? Here’s one clue: according to B.K.S. Iyengar, “Unless freedom is gained in the body, freedom of the mind is a far-fetched idea.”
Read MoreTraci Carroll insists that she’s not a risk taker, but her life story to date suggests otherwise, revealing a person drawn to challenge, who embraces change with determination, and whose natural equilibrium serves her well—whether she’s balancing work and family, staying steady in Tree Pose, or gliding down a river on a paddleboard.
Read MoreDynamic, accomplished, warm, decisive, nurturing, independent, and adventurous are some of the words that describe Tammy Martin, a long-time yoga practitioner and founding student member of Iyengar Yoga Asheville. Born and raised in Eastern North Carolina, Tammy loves to travel, but is attached to the Southern mountains of this beautiful state where she has lived for decades.
Read MoreDuring this challenging time, we are awarding all of our students with the title Student of the Month in recognition of your dedication, willingness, generosity, and commitment to your yoga practice and to our IYA community. As the first part of our mission statements announces: “We are a growing community rooted in the foundation of practice…” and this truth is evident in the different ways you have reached out to stay connected to the studio and your fellow community members.
Read MoreThe next time you enjoy the rope wall at Iyengar Yoga Asheville, you may want to offer up a heartfelt thank you to Martin Fletcher, whose expertise and hands-on effort were critical to its construction. In fact, Martin’s years of experience as a carpenter and construction manager were instrumental in the renovation of the entire studio. Ned and Randy contributed hours of sweat equity, too, but Martin was definitely the crew “boss” for which we are most grateful!
Click on the picture for the full story.
Read MoreWhat is your intention when you come to class? I typically start class with the assumption that the students in front of me are there to learn. If that’s the case, what’s the most beneficial approach so you can progress and discover? Seems simple enough…right?
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Read MoreTravel was a routine part of her life when Dr. Lulu Shimek was a child, and for a time she imagined becoming an airline stewardess so she could explore the world. Fortunately for her many patients, students, and clients, Dr. Lulu chose a different path that led her to become a naturopathic physician here in Asheville. Like many explorers, the path she followed included a number of side journeys, all of which shared a pursuit of health and wellness. Four years ago she founded the Epione Clinic for Integrated Healing.
Read MoreWhen you have the happy opportunity to meet Jack Sholder on the yoga mat at Iyengar Yoga Asheville, you may be surprised to learn that, although he has made 15 feature films in various genres, the genre he is best known for is horror. Yes, horror, as in “Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge.” A gentle, tall man with a shy smile, Jack is pretty surprised himself that he spent part of the past 35 years making “these kind of” movies, several of which, including “Nightmare on Elm Street 2,” were box-office hits. He explained, “Horror suits me because it’s transgressive and I don’t always like to follow the rules. Plus I have a slightly odd sense of humor so it all fits. ”
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There’s a lot of energy and life experience packed into this petit and strong woman. Gardener, fiddle player, outdoor enthusiast, road biker, world traveler, healer, yoga student, lively raconteur, pickleball player and adventure seeker are just some of the words that describe Roberta.
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Read MoreTwenty five years ago I had to wear a neck brace. I was too weak to hold my head up. I couldn’t walk barefoot because of nerve pain. I was in bad shape. I had fibromyalgia—a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue and other challenging symptoms. In August this year I celebrated my 65th birthday and things are different. This landmark birthday got me thinking about how I got from there to here and the role that yoga and Iyengar yoga has played in that recovery. Click the picture on the left to read about my journey.
Read MoreOur mental impressions from the past (samskara) help us navigate our busy lives but can also taint the way we see the world around. Click the picture on the left to read more about samskara and the practice of yogasana (yoga postures).
Read MoreClick on the image to the left for workshop highlights!
Read MoreClick on the picture to the left to see a slideshow of IYAVL’s first year.
Read MoreHere is what you had to say about your experience with Brian’s workshop in early May.
Read MoreThe response to our survey was excellent: 24 of you shared your honest feedback about open practice and philosophy. Thank you very much! Several themes were evident. First, many of you wanted more help developing your practice. We hear you and are taking steps to help.
Read MoreI feel so fortunate and I want to share why. It is very special that we are able to host senior Iyengar teachers from around the world at our studio here in the mountains of Asheville. It is so amazing that this community is ready for and supportive of this level of instruction. Your participation and enthusiasm for these events makes it possible for us to continue to invite these talented, highly respected and experienced instructors!
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